Asset and Infrastructure Inspection

Real-time data to proactively maintain your key assets

Is your data keeping up with your operations? Persistent aerial inspection and survey of physical assets and long range mapping provide real-time situational awareness of critical assets and their condition.

Insitu Pacific’s leading UAV inspection service solutions can deliver data faster, more safely and in higher detail than traditional inspection methods. Automated change detection can identify faults early before they manifest into larger issues. Avoid costly shutdowns with information delivered rapidly into your maintenance and operational planning. 

Our aerial inspection and survey can provide all the data you need to maintain the condition of your assets, and optimise your operations for the future.

Connect with us on +61 7 3182 4000 or send us an email

Energy and Utilities

Achieve more efficient inspections of sites such as power generation infrastructure, bulk water storage and treatment, construction, and boundary security.

Civil Infrastructure

Advanced sensors such as LiDAR and High Accuracy Photogrammetry provide rapid, actionable data and security on critical assets such as power, water, railways, roads, powerlines and pipelines.

 Insitu Pacific - Asset and Infrastructure Inspection

Ports and Harbours

Improve onsite security, safety and emergency response, and monitor movement on land and sea, bulk handling stock assessments, and inspect maritime infrastructure more efficiently and safely.

Renewable Energy

High resolution RGB and radiometric imagery, photogrammetry, HD full motion video provide essential data to inform through life support from construction to decommissioning of solar farms, wind farms, hydroelectric plants.

 Insitu Pacific - Asset and Infrastructure Inspection

Environmental asset monitoring

Streamline mapping and sampling, water modelling and management, rehabilitation, vegetation and habitat monitoring, game/invasive species tracking, noise compliance.

 Insitu Pacific - Asset and Infrastructure Inspection

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